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Strategic Plan

“The past is your lesson, the present is your gift, and the future is your motivation”


Over the course of its 71-year history the Maryland Recreation and Parks Association has undertaken strategic plans before. These plans have been essential to the continued growth and improvement of MRPA. MRPA started in 1944 with a small group of professionals with the City of Baltimore’s Bureau of Recreation, and has grown to today’s organization of 3500 members working in 43 agencies throughout the State of Maryland. The parks and recreation profession has expanded as well with MRPA members holding a wide variety of positions – each having its own specific needs. Recently MRPA changed its member structure to encourage agencies to join – this has led to an increase in individual members and a desire to meaningfully engage members for this purpose...


To unite our members to provide the best recreation and park services throughout Maryland.


MRPA holds strong beliefs, in fact, We Believe

  • In developing leaders within the profession and within agencies
  • In lifelong learning
  • In connecting people
  • Networking and training are essential to our professional development
  • In laughter and fun

Building on its core strengths of valuing its members, volunteers, and staff; being financially smart and governing well; supporting each other; and our love of learning has led us to develop this 2018-2021 Strategic Plan. This plan is organized around 4 strategic initiatives:

M     Member Engagement & Advocacy
R      Relevant & Accessible Education
P      Prospering Branches
A     Assess Member Needs & Expectations


To read the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan in its entirety, click here.

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